who we are

Creative Talent Solutions” is a boutique company specializing in talent sourcing, development and related consultancy. Our experience is in strategic human resources and executive search and selection, working directly with companies and with individuals through coaching and development. Our mix of backgrounds enable us to think big and strategically but act decisively and practically. Our experience in managing intra-national and international projects empowers us to see the bigger picture. Our expertise involves working directly with companies in talent sourcing and development activities, providing us with a sharpened understanding of HR and Talent Management practices that impact the bottom-line. 

We pride ourselves of our hard-earned expertise in the human capital field and our collaborations with stakeholders, various employers, business entities and individuals. We have had the pleasure of working in different sectors and putting into practice our backgrounds which bring together strategy development, talent management, programme and project management, training. 

Our Mission is to provide value-add in servicing clients who are seeking to plan, source, manage or develop their talent capital.

 “Our core value” Talent Capital is what differentiates one nation, company, or an individual from the rest. We have lined up a number of services that are different from the current market offerings. Our service propositions are based on our core value and our mission. We believe that empowerment will ultimately make the whole difference: so we strive to empower our clients to be in a better position to achieve their strategic objectives.

Our service portfolio is currently focusing on: Business Transformation through Talent Consultancy, Talent Sourcing, and Empowerment development programmes using personality profiling tools such as Myers Briggs & Prism. 

Get in touch if you would like to find the right business partner who is ready to match your investment with professionalism, dedication and commitment to realize your ultimate business or life goal.

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